Europäisches Barockorchester Le Chardon
Every once awhile, I spent much time, transcribing autographs of mostly unknown music. After the editional work is done, some of these little treasures are performed and recorded by our orchestra.
Meanwhile it is a little collection of works, I have edited. Here is an incomplete list of the highlights.
You can purchase editions here, simply write an e-mail to
J.J Quantz Concert for Flute D-Dur QV 5:51 No 87 G.Ph. Telemann Double Concert No.362 Flutes, Calchedon and Strings J.J. Fasch Flute, Oboe and strings W. de Fesch Concert for Flute and Strings Etienne Valoix 4 orchestral suites in French style 1689 Hannover G.Ph. Telemann Matthew Passion 1730 Henrik Philip Johnsen Sonata X für 2 Violins or Traversi and B.c. Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel Te Deum and other christmas cantatas Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel fünf Trio Sonatas for Violin, Flauto Traverso, or. 2 Flauti Traversi and B.c. Johann Adolf Scheibe 3 Sonatas for Flauto Traverso and Harpsichord obligato Johann Ludwig Krebs Sonatas for Traverso and Harpsichord obligato
Antoine Mahaut Tre Sonate per Flauto traverso e Basso continuo, printed at Broekmanns en van Poppel Amsterdam ord. No. 708119